The Blue Frog Language Services website is owned by:
Joan Le Bris
23 rue de la Pointe des Rigoles, 78610 Le Perray en Yvelines, France

Legal status: Self-employed (Auto-entrepreneur)
SIRET number (business ID number): 808 749 568 00016
NAF code (activity code):7430Z (translation and interpretation)

Not subject to VAT, Article 293B of the General Tax Code (CGI).
Exempt from registration in the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS) and the Répertoire des Métiers (RM), pursuant to Article L 123- 1-1 of Commercial Law.

Access rights and rectification

The data collected on this website is used only for external communication by email or phone. The following data is collected for the purpose of identifying a contact: full name, telephone number (landline or mobile) and email address. The processing of this data does not require declaration to the CNIL ((Exemption n° 7 - Deliberation n°2006-138 of May 9th 2006 resulting in the decision that data processing for information or external communication purposes is exempt from declaration).

Site hosting

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix

Intellectual property rights

All total or partial reproduction of this site by any means whatsoever without the express permission of Joan Le Bris is prohibited and is punishable by law, notably criminal law, pursuant to articles L. 335-2 of the intellectual Property Law and the articles which follow.
All information, icons, photographs, images, texts and other materials on this site are protected by industrial and/or intellectual property rights, whether Joan Le Bris is the owner or whether she is authorised to reproduce and represent them.


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FaLang translation system by Faboba